August Employee Spotlight – Kelly Stevenson

Kelly Stevenson

We’re excited to feature Kelly in our August Employee Spotlight!

Years at Capitol Lien: 15 Years

  1. What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career? Always double check your work.
  2. Share a professional success story that you’re proud of. When I can find a document that no one else has been able to find is the best feeling!
  3. How do you think your role helped shape your team’s culture? Hopefully my knowledge and experience with a little bit of humor 🙂 
  4. What do you love most about your job and why? That I am still learning new things even though I have been abstracting since 2003!
  5. What techniques help you stay organized and productive? I start my day with a plan of attack for my orders.
  6. What do you love to do in your free time? Read, watch crime documentaries, and play Would You Rather with my son
  7. What did you want to be when growing up? A Criminologist or detective
  8. What is one thing you can’t live without? Cheese
  9. What is your favorite band or genre of music? If you put my Spotify to shuffle, you will be greeted with everything from hardcore death metal to show tunes! 
  10. Do you have any pets? An awesome Jack Russell/Beagle/Schnauzer mutt called Roars Sparkle Pony