Capitol Lien is putting a new look on the business of records, research and risk mitigation. We intend to bring UCCs, tax liens, judgments, corporate records and real estate to life in a way that brings our quarter decade of experience to light. Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, please glance over the range of services and capabilities we provide to legal, financial, real-estate, commercial and non-profit companies like yours.
Here are just a few of the services you can read about on our new website:
Real Estate Research
Corporation Services
Title Abstracting
Assessment Services
UCC / Tax Lien / Judgment Services
Document Retrieval / Recording
Corporate Filing and Retrieval
Registered Agent Services
Civil / Criminal Searches
Look into Capitol Lien and cover every facet of records, research and risk mitigation. Our experts compile findings from the original source material wherever possible to shed light on your inquiries and provide the precise answers your business requires.
The specific requirements for filing a lien in Florida have always differed from filing in Alabama to, well, Wyoming. There are over 4000 jurisdictions across the United States and the UCC standards can differ in each of them. That’s why Capitol Lien makes the task simple by offering easy filings in all 50 states.
Click here to explore how easy it can be to file with us.