September Employee Spotlight – Aimee Haviland

Aimee Haviland

We’re excited to feature Aimee in our September Employee Spotlight!

Years at Capitol Lien: 3 years

  1. What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career? It’s never too late to revisit lessons on the basics!! You can always fill in holes in your learning, take refresher courses, and there’s always something to learn.
  2. Share a professional success story that you’re proud of. 100-year searches in general, especially in areas where we have to figure out the genealogy of the record owners. Getting through a search that seemed impossible at first glance is a tremendous accomplishment.
  3. How do you think your role helped shape your team’s culture? My team’s culture is fantastic, and we each make that happen. Everyone brings something different to the table. I try to be overall helpful, whether it’s helping a teammate understand something, bringing a positive attitude, or helping someone see a different perspective.
  4. What do you love most about your job and why? My team. When something seems complicated, I love to see how we work together to help one another, whether deciphering cursive from a poorly scanned 1800s document, mapping legal descriptions, or uplifting one another. We may each be working on something in an entirely different part of the country, but there’s usually help available and someone to decipher what you can’t.
  5. What techniques help you stay organized and productive? Oh, organization is always my challenge! I find leaving myself notes helps. Sometimes, that needs to be right in Connect; sometimes, it’s scribbled notes in notebooks all over my desk. Whatever I’m working on, there are usually notes and a chart or two somewhere to help me through. There’s always a to-do list on my desk, whether it’s current or not.
  6. What is your greatest accomplishment? I graduated Summa Cum Laude with my Bachelor’s in Human Resources and Organizational Leadership while a single mom. 
  7. What’s a cause that you are passionate about? Mental health: I’m very passionate about people getting what they need for mental wellness, whether it’s taking PTO, getting on medications, getting therapy, or whatever they need to do to make life work for them.
  8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why? My dream has always been to see The Louvre in person—to stand in the same place as the Mona Lisa, to take in the Italian Frescos of the Renaissance period, Michelangelo’s carvings…I had an art history teacher in college who made art history come alive, and ever since then, I’ve wanted to see all of it in person.
  9. What’s something most people don’t know about you? I love to create art. It’s not always good art, but creating is a great outlet. My medium has changed over the years, but lately, I’ve been either drawing on my iPad or doing cross-stitching.
  10. Do you have any pets? We have five! We have an axolotl named Casper, two cats—a tabby named Bellatrix and a black cat named Jack—and two young German Shepherds, Yoshi and Coco.