
What are CNS/EFS Forms?

The Food Security Act (FSA) states that a buyer may buy farm products without being subject to a security interest created by the seller. However, the FSA does allow a secured party to take action to prevent a buyer from obtaining clear of security interest.

Five-Point Due Diligence

Adverse Lien Packages Part of the Process

As a lender, deals come across your desk often and all of them require risk evaluation, but where do you find answers to determine the level of liability of this new loan? When a five-point due diligence search is added into the pre-funding strategy, the financial status of a prospective debtor reveals a clearer picture, lessening the unknowns.

Lending Capital

Lending Considerations Stemming From Coronavirus

If you are here reading this blog article then you’ve likely taken your bank through some unprecedented times. Thankfully, for most lenders, you were in a decent place in terms of capital levels when the pandemic occurred. However, there are many new considerations as a result of these difficult times to help guide how things proceed.