A tax lien is the public notice of a legal claim by a government agency against assets or property to secure the payment of outstanding taxes. Filing a lien ensures that the taxing institution has the first right to property over other creditors.
Being aware of unpaid liens is extremely important as they can harm your personal or business borrowing ability and put your assets at risk. Even one tax lien can completely change a lending outlook for an individual or a business. If a lien is missed during initial due diligence, that lien can have a lasting negative effect on a transaction that you may have otherwise thought was in your best interest.
Tax Liens take priority in any deal, which means the risk to a lender increases when working with a borrower with unpaid tax liens. There are thousands of filing offices across the United States, it is not easy to determine if your business interests are “free and clear” of potential claims. Since taxing agencies can file in multiple different jurisdictional levels, it can lead to discrepancies, confusion and even erroneous results.
Our research coordinators utilize an array of tools to provide accurate information nationwide. Capitol Lien brings clarity to our clients through some of the following service options:

Federal Tax Lien Search
10-year search on your debtor names to search for any unsatisfied Federal Tax Liens of record.

State Tax Lien Search
10-year search (or more depending on the state) on your debtor names to search for any unsatisfied State Tax Liens of record.

Bulk Tax Search
If you are looking for a lead list, we can conduct a bulk tax search and provide any tax liens filed in a given period of time. (Options Limited)
Entrust our team to handle all of your tax lien needs when diligence is due.