Angie Miller
Research Coordinator
We’re excited to feature Angie in our February Employee Spotlight!
Years at Capitol Lien: 13
- What’s a unique skill or perspective you bring to your role at Capitol Lien?
I started my career in real estate title, which at times required some investigative work and a lot of research. I’ve grown to love the challenge of finding the answer, whatever it may be, so throughout the years, it’s developed into being able to think creatively or outside of the box. That’s not always applicable, but I have no issues diving deep to find what I’m looking for, which can be beneficial.
- Share a professional success story that you’re proud of OR What’s the most challenging project you’ve tackled, and how did you overcome it?
I can’t think of a specific success story – I’ve had several challenging projects, but I’ve been lucky enough to have the tools and resources I need to get through them. Day by day!
- What’s your favorite part about collaborating with your team?
I’m in the National Department, and we are small but mighty. Sometimes, the stress can get to you, but I can easily reach out to my team members and find myself laughing out loud or feeling back on track in almost any situation. I think it’s vital to have an outlet within the work setting just as much as outside of the work setting. My team never waivers when it comes to being there for support/questions, a chat, or even a laugh when needed.
- What do you love most about your job and why?
The work keeps me on my toes, and I thrive in chaos, so it works well for me. However, the company itself is hard to beat, which is what I value most about my job. There is a level of respect and understanding on a personal level that is rare to find in a work setting. Life happens simultaneously when you are trying to make a living, and things happen, and it can get complicated, but no matter what, I feel acknowledged and supported. I’m very grateful.
- What’s one tool or resource you couldn’t do your job without?
Ha – my three computer screens are a necessity. I would have more if I could, but my eyeballs would probably not like that.
- What do you love to do in your free time?
My daughter is an athlete, so my free time is usually spent on the field or the court, which I enjoy tremendously. My great love, though, is being outside. Preferably at the cabin with family, but if that can’t happen, I share my lounger with my huge dog Gus (or maybe he shares with me), and we listen to music and watch the world turn in the neighborhood.
- If you won the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d do
I would build a lakefront home on a several-acre lot with an insane deck. This would be after I ensure all of my people are cared for, of course.
- What’s a small, everyday thing that brings you joy?
It can be any number of things my kids do, but a kiss on the cheek from each of them before school is enough to get me through the day.
- If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you want with you?
A portable solar charging station, my trusty iPod, and a large, weatherproof tent.
- Do you have any pets?
I like to say I live in a zoo. We have our big golden retriever Gus – the most loveable dog-human in the world who has to sit on laps and nudge your hand for non-stop attention. We also have two 6-month-old kitties, Ozzy and Fitz. They are both orange tabbies (Ozzy is a Manx – no tail) and are so naughty but very sweet. They are all treated as my kids, but I wish they could clean up after themselves; the amount of orange hair we deal with is unreal!