Court Research: Litigation Searches

Why is it important to run civil litigation searches?

Civil litigation searches reveal civil suits, or civil cases, that may involve the person or entity that you are investigating in conjunction with pre-funding due diligence. These are non-criminal cases that have potentially infringed on the rights of another person or entity.

UCC Filing Blog-1

Unique Filing Situations

We often touch on the standard UCC Financing Statement because it is so widely known by the industries we serve, but we wanted to touch on several other situations that are not as generally understood.


Should I File My UCC Electronically or Not?

There are two methods to filing a UCC, one is to send in the paper filing either through a courier or through the mail. The other is to record the UCC electronically through the state’s filing system. Both are equally effective, but there are some things that need to be considered when determining which method to use.

Corporate Conference Room

6 Dos and Don’ts to UCC-1 Filing

The UCC Financing Statement filing process can seem overwhelming if you are unsure of the proper procedure. It’s also important to know that filing rules can vary from state to state.

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8 Services You Should Consider

We often highlight the services that we are best known for, but felt it time to give some of our lesser known services their dues. Very few clients know the vast variety of service offerings we can provide. The following are some of our lesser known services you could start benefiting from: