Employee Spotlight: Eric Frydenlund

Employee Spotlight_ Eric Frydenlund

10 Years of dedication and hard work is credited to Eric Frydenlund. A proud member of our Real Estate Research Team, we are more than lucky to have him on our side!

Q: What do you do at Capitol Lien?

A: I am a title researcher for the Southeastern Minnesota counties of Houston, Fillmore, Mower, and Winona, and also help quite extensively with other counties.

Q: What is the best part about your Capitol Lien Career?

A: Being able to work with some super great people who are willing to help and support, rather than micro-manage. Also being able to work from home has been the best part because it’s much less stressful.

Q: How did you get into this industry?

A: After a career as an educator, it was time for me to pursue something different. A relative of mine had learned of a Site Inspector opening Capitol Lien had at the time in Southern Minnesota so I went for it. I accepted the position and was eventually cross-trained into property research.

Q: What do you do in your free time?

A: I spend most of my free time at “The Valley” which is our nearby family acreage.  I enjoy mowing several acres of yard, and maintaining my multiple flower beds, as well as running the chainsaw and the sawmill.

Q: What is your greatest accomplishment?

A: Directing several middle school and high school musicals over the years with nearly 100 students involved in some shows – shows like “Grease” and “Seussical” and “Little Shop of Horrors.”

Q: What did you want to be when growing up?

A: I wanted to be a farmer because I had so many farm toys; then I wanted to be a doctor; then later on I wanted to be an architect.

Q: What have you gained since working at Capitol Lien?

A: I have gained the knowledge that there is life outside of teaching and that there are less stressful careers out there. I have gained a more relaxing work environment.

Q: What is your favorite service we offer to our clients and why?

A: Although I admit I may not be familiar with all the various products we offer outside of my department, I do know that everyone works diligently to complete outstanding results and that we have fast turnaround times. That shows when we receive positive feedback from our clients and it brings a smile to my face knowing I made that person’s life a little bit better.