Chris Dietz
Chris has been with Capitol Lien for 17 years and works in our Real Estate department. We’re excited to feature Chris in our January Employee Spotlight!
What do you do at Capitol Lien?
Currently I research Minnesota Real Estate but I was once the Coordinator for the MnMetro team and I’ve also worked in the National Department doing name searches as well as handling all the National Real Estate orders.
What is the best part about your Capitol Lien career?
Working with my wife and friends to help build a great company to work for.
How did you get into this industry?
Mandy and Brad knew I was looking for a change and they got me in for an interview.
What have you gained since working at Capitol Lien?
Peace. I truly enjoy getting lost in a search. The focus quiets my mind.
What is your favorite service that we offer and why?
I like the more involved projects and searching difficult legals so definitely the 40+ years, new developments, ag land stuff, wind farm projects, things like that. Being able to knock out a bunch of current owners is nice sometimes, too.
What do you love to do in your free time?
I used to compete in Powerlifting, but now I just love lifting for fun. Powerlifting, some strongman stuff, some bodybuilding. I like all of it. I also enjoy camping, playing with my kids, gardening with Mandy, and cooking for people.
What is your greatest accomplishment?
Being a good husband and father.
Where would your dream vacation be?
I love the Boundary Waters but I can go there whenever so… I guess I’ll say that I’d love to take the family to Scotland and to try to lift some of the Clach Cuid Fir (Man Maker Stones). See if I can make the ancestors proud. That or the Caribbean or Mediterranean…I’m not picky as long as there is good food and beaches.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I was a sponsored skateboarder back in the early 2000s.
What is your favorite quote?
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” – Frederique Douglass. That one has been my mantra since I first read it in high school, 1994ish.