June Employee Spotlight – Alissa Elles

Alissa Elles

Accounting Clerk

We’re excited to feature Alissa in our June Employee Spotlight!

What have been some of the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?
Finding work-life balance is so very important. I have put my career before my family and my well-being for far too long with zero payoffs until now, when the universe has blessed me with a great job and an even better company.

Share a professional success story that you’re proud of.
I have had opportunities to come into a job with my creative and innovative ideas and clean up some messy files, cases, situations, or documentation, which allowed me to leave the place better than I found it. I pride myself on getting into challenging situations where I need to sort through and develop training materials to make it easier for the next person.

How do you think your role helped shape your team’s culture?
My eagerness to learn and be accountable for my mistakes earns my co-workers’ trust that I will always do my best and be willing to clean up my errors and learn to do better next time.

What do you love most about your job and why?
After receiving the amazing one-on-one training, my supervisor has allowed me to tailor my daily job to meet my needs. The ability to work efficiently and independently promotes the healthy creativity and innovation that I crave.

What techniques help you stay organized and productive?
My calendar is my lifesaver, reminders, alarms, and desktop sticky notes are the best things ever!

What do you love to do in your free time?
Photography- I like to explore new places in Minnesota. I get on the highway and just drive until I find a cool spot to explore or look at.

What is a dream that you want to make come true one day? 
I want to live in a tiny home in the woods, just me and my dog.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
I would travel to Santorini, Greece. I admire the food, the culture, the weather, the views, the language—everything, really!

What is your favorite quote?
“Be the change you wish to see in the world” -Mahatma Gandhi,

What is your favorite band or genre of music?
I am a sucker for a good ole 80’s 90’s Coverband.