The Discovery

Things come across our paths all day long, small details are noticed and become discovered that may otherwise be swept under the rug. We have researchers across the entire state of Minnesota, each county has several people conducting property research each and every day.
In this instance, one of our researchers was working on a Blue Earth County refinance order. Through their detailed work, the researcher noticed that the deed covered and conveyed much more property than the county GIS website encompassed. Acting fast, the researcher made this a high priority before continuing work. After reviewing the potential issues with co-workers, it was agreed that it was indeed a major problem. The current owner’s legal description stated a parcel of land 300 ft x 140 ft that was
Our job as researchers / abstractors is to make sure we provide all the information that is available and present that to the client.”
Finding a Solution

Knowing that we could not let this problem slide, in good conscience, although the requirement by the client was to search from the current deed forward, we needed to dig deeper. Our researcher went far back into the records, and found the split-off of the additional property. We established the current ownership, and supplied a clear, concise map for the client. In our report, we made it a point to know that work was needed to correct this issue. We ensured all parties involved would not benefit without corrective action.
“We take pride in putting our customers first. We didn’t just take the easiest way out. We were able to identify the issue and present that to the client.”

What comes next is somewhat out of our control. Our researchers discovered a problem, defined it, and reported all of the details to the client. From there the client will decide what they want to do with the information, whether take it to an attorney or a title company to proceed with corrective action. At the end of the day, we have done our job to the greatest ability, and in return, our clients are very appreciative of how thorough we are with the work we do. We keep clients at top of mind and are not afraid to go above and beyond with our research.
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