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A Lender’s Pursuit

Understand all risks involved with the deals you are pursuing.
Are your controls to measure risk as robust as they should be in today’s environment?

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Factor Us In

Capitol Lien has been the proven resource to the Factoring Community for nearly three decades. Factors nationwide rely on us for our variety of comprehensive & timely due diligence research

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Still Attached To Paper Clips?

Today when you file through the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office you cannot add attachments. But guess what? Capitol Lien has the ability to e-File your UCC forms along with any PDF attachment; whether it’s a collateral exhibit, inventory list, invoice, etc.

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Look Into Capitol Lien

Capitol Lien is putting a new look on the business of records, research and risk mitigation. We intend to bring UCCs, tax liens, judgments, corporate records and real estate to life in a way that brings our quarter decade of experience to light.

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